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  • 八年级下册英语课件




    八年级下册英语课件 篇1




    重 点: 理解添括号法则,进一步熟悉乘法公式的合理利用

    难 点: 在多项式与多项式的乘法中适当添括号达到应用公式的目的.




    (1)4+(5+2) (2)4-(5+2) (3)a+(b+c) (4)a-(b-c)





    (1)a+b-c=a+( ) (2)a-b+c=a-( )

    (3)a-b-c=a-( ) (4)a+b+c=a-( )


    (1)2a-b- =2a-(b- ) (2)m-3n+2a-b=m+(3n+2a-b)

    (3)2x-3y+2=-(2x+3y-2) (4)a-2b-4c+5=(a-2b)-(4c+5)




    (1)(x+2y-3)(x-2y+3) (2)(a+b+c)2

    (3)(x+3)2-x2 (4)(x+5)2-(x-2)(x-3)







    重 点: 能观察出多项式的公因式,并根据分配律把公因式提出来

    难 点: 让学生识别多项式的公因式.




    既ma+mb+mc = m(a+b+c)




    (1)3x+6; (2)7x2-21x; (3)8a3b2-12ab3c+abc (4)-24x3-12x2+28x.



    (3) a(x-3)+2b(x-3)






    (1)ma+mb 2)4kx-8ky (3)5y3+20y2 (4)a2b-2ab2+ab


    (1)8x-72 (2)a2b-5ab

    (3)4m3-6m2 (4)a2b-5ab+9b

    (5)(p-q)2+(q-p)3 (6)3m(x-y)-2(y-x)2






    六、作业 1、教科书习题

    2、已知2x-y=1/3 ,xy=2,求2x4y3-x3y4 3、(-2)+(-2)



    八年级下册英语课件 篇2

    外研版八年级下册英语Module 2 Friendship Unit1教


    作者:admin 资源来源:本站原创 点击数:


    1.《新标准》英语采用发现式语法学习法: 呈现---提问---发现---总结,培养学生自主学习的能力。宾语从句是初中阶段较难掌握的,在JEFC教材中出现在九年级,现提早了一个学期,所以难度较大。这需要老师很好地设计课堂教学活动。












    2)能够理解下列单词和词组:a couple of, junior high school









    教学重点: 正确运用宾语从句描述友谊。

    教学难点: 宾语从句的引导词、语序及时态。


    Step 1 Warming up

    are you from? is his name?

    do you ask? do you ask?

    ask where you are ask what his name is.设计意图 通过问与答的形式,呈现宾语从句,为下异步的操练做准备。

    Step 2 Pair work

    are you from? is your good friend from?

    S1: Where are you from? S1: Where is your good friend from?

    S2: I am from… S2: My good friend…is from…

    S1: S2 says that he / she is from… S1: S2 says that …

    设计意图 联系学生生活实际,体现用中学原则。用地图操练巩固目标句型---that引导的宾语从句。

    Step 3 Group work

    something about my good friend

    S1 has heard that Sally…

    S2 knows that Sally…

    S3 says that Sally…

    I think that Sally…

    设计意图 通过谈论熟悉人物 Sally, 进一步加强目标语的操练。同时,相互交流和帮助又培养了合作精神。

    Step 4 Presentation


    you ever made telephone calls?

    Who do you usually call?

    a telephone call with a the other students an example.(suppose tomorrow is Saturday, you want to invite someone to have a picnic with you.)

    T: Hello, this is Miss Wu I speak to LiHui?

    S1: Hello, Miss Wu, this is LiHui are you?

    T: I'm fine , ,LiHui, we are going to have a picnic tomorrow, would you like to go with us?

    S1: Great!I'd love and where shall we meet?

    T: Let's meet at half pass 8, at our school : Ok, see you : See you and find out:

    What do Ann's mother and Bill talk about on the phone?

    (事先交代情景: Ann's classmate Bill called Ann wasn't 's mother answered the phone.)

    Expressions of making telephone calls:

    Hello!Could I speak to Ann, please?

    I'm afraid she isn't here right I take a message for you?

    This is 'll give her the message…

    设计意图 新语言项目在情景中自然呈现,比较中、英文打电话的不同用语,引导学生判断、总结,从而达到理解、学习并运用语言的目的。充分体现了学习的过程。

    Step 5 Practice

    and find out how many people you hear.(Turn to page 10-1)

    and number the order.(Turn to page 10-2)

    a telephone telephoned Father wasn't answered the telephone.(用两只电话机让学生在课堂上表演)

    Activity 5, 2, 3, 4

    设计意图 在常规听力练习中进一步提高学生听的能力,在尽可能真实的情景中巩固打电话用语。

    Step 6 Presentation Why does Sally call Chen Huan?

    设计意图 激发求知欲望。顺利进入新课的学习。

    Step 7 Listening and reading:(Turn to Page 10-3)

    and answer the questions:

    1)How many persons are there in the dialogue?

    2)Where are they?

    and answer(必须用宾语从句回答)

    1)What does Chen Huan say? He says that…

    2)What does Sally say? She says that …

    and check(√)the true sentences.(Turn to Page 11-4)

    设计意图 听读两方面入手,由易到难,层层推进,重视对学生学习能力和技巧的培养。

    Step8 Exercise

    the words with their and answer the questions about the words in the box.(Turn to p11-5)

    设计意图 由单词的复习过渡到句子的复习,既培养学生在语境中理解、识记单词的能力,又为新课的学习起到较好的铺垫作用。


    your teacher

    假设10年后,你参加工作,当了一名记者,回来看望老师。学生自由向老师提问,老师重复学生的问题,很自然地引出新知识---疑问句的宾语从句。: Miss Ni, do you still like teaching English?

    T: S1 wants to know if I still like teaching 'm glad to tell you that I like teaching English very .给好朋友打个电话,请他来参加你的生日晚会。





    八年级下册英语课件 篇3

    Unit6 Enjoying Cycling

    Topic 1 We’re going on a spring field trip

    Section A说课稿


    1. 教材分析

    仁爱版初中英语教材共六册,每册由四个模块组成,每个模块由单元----话题----功能---任务构成,编写思路清晰,符合学生的认识发展规律.八年级英语下册第六单元Topic1 Section A讲述了让学生学习如何用英语谈论旅游,并收集旅游信息。它由3部分组成,用1课时完成。通过学习Section A,学生可以更多的了解旅游知识并提高实际能力;动词不定式是本节课的重点语法项目。



    要求学生牢记Section A所有新学的四会单词.短语和重点句型;掌握不定式“to do”的用法。







    (2).重点和难点:不定式“to do”的用法。




    3. 学生平时较少用英语与他人交谈并表达信息.。






    (1).请两位学生用上节课重点句型号,分别复述Unit 5 Topic3 Section D 1a

    (2).教师与学生之间进行问答对话,让学生谈论关于他们最喜爱的旅游方式。 设计意图:巩固上节课学过的知识,为学习新课铺垫。



    的新单词,如:field ,trip ,cycle ,vehicle ,airline等。



    1、展示多媒体( Flash课件)1a,并回答以下问题:

    (1)Where will they go?

    (2)What will Kangkang and Michael do?

    (3)What will Helen do?

    (4)How about Jane?



    (1)动词不定式“to do"的用法





    (2)It’s too+形容词+(for sb.)+to do sth.的句型





    3、给学生一点时间完成1b,然后用多媒展示的画面,请两组学生用带有“to do "的句子表演对话。





    Unit 6 Topic 1 Section A

    1.I have some exciting news to tell you !

    2.It’s too far for cycling 。

    3.Do you know the best way to get there?

    4.It’s hard to say。

    5.We’ll decide on the best way to go on our trip。






    本课以课改为目的,结合教材重点.难点及英语学科的特点,利用多媒体辅助教学,体现“自主,合作,探究”的学习方式,它较之传统教学更能使每位学生都能积极参与到课堂学习及课外活动中去。使学生的听.说 .读.写能力得到全面提高,在愉快轻松的氛围中掌握知识。与此同时,带来的问题是:每个学生接受知识,获取知识的方式与快慢存在着差异,这就决定了在学习成效上的差别。为此,老师要对每个学生作深入了解,并制定相应“水平线”以鼓励学生超越。

    八年级下册英语课件 篇4


    Lesson 1 I’m Hungry! 一、教学目标:   知识目标 1、要求学生掌握下列单词eat、drink、table、food   2、能理解并能口头运用句子 I’m (hungry/thirsty)。  I want to (eat/drink); 能力目标:能够在真实的环境中表达自己的需求。   情感目标:初步了解中西方饮食差异,注意饮食卫生及营养。 二、教学重点和难点:本课的四个单词和句子。 三、教具:录音机和磁带,手偶,教师用卡片和张贴画,实物,奖励用的金星。 四、学具:学生用小卡片。 五、教学过程: Step 1、(1)Greeting: Hello, boys and girls! How are you today ? (2)师生同唱“I Love You”,(可以边做动作边唱)   Step 2、引入课题:用张贴画出示本课主题图,引导学生:Who are they? 学生可以说出一些家庭成员的身份,(比如daughter, father, mother, son).What are they doing?学生可以用汉语回答,从而引出本课要学的有关饮食的内容。(板书课题:Lesson 1)   Step 3、利用卡片出示桌子,放录音。学生模仿读音,找同学领读,分组读。依次学习food ,eat ,drink,(在学习eat ,drink时教师可以加上动作,板书eat ,drink)鼓励发音不标准的学生多练习几遍,至读音标准。采用多种形式全班练习,利用小卡片组长组织练习,直至读熟。   Step 4、Game:(1)Quickly answer.(快速抢答)   (2)Guessing words.(猜单词)   Step 5、Practice in groups(小组之内组长组织练习上面游戏)。   Step 6、Demonstrate: (Introduce: want)   T: I want a pencil. I want a pencil .May I have a pencil? I want a book, say together, class!   Ss: I want a book.(Learn to say: want)   Step 7、(板书I want to…)Use actions to demonstrate the new phrases。   T: I’m hungry. I want to eat .(揉搓自己的肚子,装出吃东西的样子)Eat ,eat.   I’m thirsty .I want to drink .(摸着自己的喉咙,装出喝水的样子)Drink, drink. (Learn to say : hungry and thirsty).   Step 8、Drill:练习举着有食物和饮料的卡片,引导学生完成下列句子。   T: (举着有食物的卡片)I’m hungry. I want to …   Ss: Eat.   T: (举着有饮料的卡片)I’m thirsty .I want to…   Ss: Drink.   Step 9、引导学生:Look! There’s a boy and a girl . Listen, what are they saying?听一听他们在说些什么?播放录音,看图学习句子。(配合手偶同时使用)   小组之内练习句子。表现好的一组奖励金星。  六、板书  Lesson 1 I’m Hungry! hungry→eat  thirsty→drink table food Lesson 2 Meat、Chicken And Fish 一、教学目标: 知识目标: 1、要求学生掌握下列单词meat、chicken、fish 。 2、正确的听、说、口头运用数字eleven、twelve、thirteen、fourteen、fifteen。 3、能理解并能口头说句子 This food is good. 。 能力目标:通过图片,词语和对话理解句子所表达的意思,并能口头运用句子表达自己的感情;能听懂简单的指令和要求做出适当的反应。 情感目标:关注学生情感,继续关注饮食的营养卫生。 二、教学重点和难点:本课的八个单词和句子。 三、教具:录音机和磁带,课件,教师用卡片和本课主题图的张贴画,奖励用的小星和实物。 四、学具:学生用小卡片。 五、教学过程: Step 1、(1)Greeting: Hello, boys and girls! How are you today ? (2)师生同唱“ONE, TWO,TIE MY SHOE”,(可以跟录音边做动作边唱) (3) 复习单词food ,eat ,drink,举起词汇卡片,让学生说出这些单词。  Step 2、引入课题:用张贴画出示本课主题图,引导学生看图:学生可以说出一些熟悉的食物的名称(比如bananas, apples, pears, grapes).What is Danny saying?引出Danny的话:This food is good ! 说明good是一个我们可以用来描述食品的词。如果喜欢某种食物,我们就说Good food!或者This is good food!引出本课要学的有关饮食的.内容。(板书课题:Lesson 2 Meat、Chicken And Fish)  Step 3、用课件出示meat,放音。学生模仿读音,找同学领读,分组读。依次学习chicken、fish。(同时将张贴画贴在黑板上并板书)鼓励发音不标准的学生多读几遍,至读音标准。采用多种形式全班练习,利用小卡片组长组织练习,直至读熟。  Step 4、播放录音,让他们指着书上的小图画看书跟读。  Step 5、Game:(1)Quickly answer.(快速抢答) (2)Guessing words.(猜单词) Step 6、Practice in group(小组之内组长组织练习上面游戏)。 Step 7、Demonstrate:eleven和twelve.课件出示十一个苹果,当学生数到ten的时候,教师接着说eleven,并让学生跟自己一起说. 依次学习(twelve, thirteen, thirteen、fourteen、fifteen将标有数字的张贴画挂在黑板上)  Step 8、为了便于记忆解释为什么后面数字的结尾都有“teen”。播放录音,让学生看书跟读,同时还可以用手指来表示所说的数字。 Step 9、Drill:让全班学生跟老师一起数到11,然后让他们自己接着往下数,反复练习twelve, thirteen, thirteen、fourteen、fifteen.  教师举着1到15不同数目的物品(例如彩笔),让学生数数。采用多种形式全班练习,利用小卡片组长组织练习,直至掌握为止。表现好的小组奖励小笑脸。  Step 9、小组讨论对本课内容总结汇报,完成《活动手册》,练习完成写单词的部分。 六、板书   Lesson 2 Meat、Chicken And Fish meat、chicken、fish eleven、twelve、thirteen、fourteen、fifteen Lesson 3 Would you like some soup ? 一、教学目标: 1.要求学生掌握下列单词 noodles、dumplings、soup、rice 2.能理解并能口头运用句子 Would you like some … ? Yes, please./ No, thanks. 3.能在真实地环境中进行会话。 4.注意用餐中的礼节。 二、教学重点和难点:本课的四个单词和句子。 三、教具、学具: computers, radio, pictures, cards 四、教学过程: Step 1 Warm-up /Revision (1)  Let’s chant. OK? Table food , table food, I’m hungry. I want to eat.   Table food, table food,   I’m thirsty. I want to drink.   Table food, table food,   Let’s eat. Let’s drink. (2) Play a game: Race and Write the numbers (from one to fifteen) (3) Make a dialogue using the food pictures they have: A: I’m hungry. I want to eat fish/chicken/meat. What about you? B: I’m hungry, too. I want to eat … Step 2 Presentation (1) Says: I have much food. They are delicious. Mm …good! Do you want to eat .OK? Let’s eat. Let’s learn. (2) Show the pictures: noodle, dumplings, soup, rice Let them read after you several times. (3)Ask: What’s your favourite food, noodles, dumplings, soup or rice? (4) Play a guessing game: Guess, what’s this? If you are right, the picture is for you. OK?   (5) Present the dialogue by using computer and say: Today Jenny comes Li Ming’s house for supper. What do they eat? Let’s look. Then let them act it out.   (6) Says: Do you want to be a host? How to treat your little guest. Look carefully. Present the dialogue of number 2. Explain “some more ”.Then let the students say after the tape or computer.   Step 3 Practice   (1) Practice the dialogue in three:   A: Would you like some …? B: Yes, please. /No, thanks.   A: Are you hungry now? B: No.   (2) Act it out. At last you may find out which is the best gust. Give them some flowers.   Step 4 Assessment   (1) To have an interview with their families and friends using the dialogue we have learned.   (2) Draw and write down the food you like.五、板书  Lesson 3 Would you like some soup ? Noodles dumplings Would you like some {soup  ? Yes, please./ No, thanks. Rice Lesson 4: Vegetables and Fruit 一、教学目标: 知识目标:vegetables  fruit  morning  afternoon  evening Do you like _____?  I like ______.  I don’t like _____. 能力目标:能够表达自己喜欢或不喜欢的食物。 情感目标:培养学生健康饮食,不偏食的习惯。 二、教学重难点:学会使用句子: I like/ don’t like ______. 表达自己喜欢什么食物。 三、教具学具:蔬菜水果粘贴画,哭脸和笑脸卡片,学生自画的喜欢的食物图片,单词卡片等。 四、教学过程: Step I:Greeting and Revision: 1. Greeting 2. Sing “the fruit song” Play the audiotape to sing the song together as the students show their pictures. 3. Ask students to introduce their food pictures to their partners to exercise “Would you like _______? Yes, please! / No, thanks!” if necessary, the teacher should give an example. Step II:  New class Part I : Do You Like This 1.T: This is my picture. This is _____.(Point to one fruit in the picture) I like _____.(Show the happy face to explain “like”.) would you like ______? S: Yes, please./ No, thanks. T: I like ______.(Show happy face)  Do you like ______? S: Yes/ No T: I don’t like______.(Show the sad face)  Do you like _____? S: Yes/No 2.Ask students to exercise with their pictures in pairs like the teacher, then show in front. 3.Game named “Finding Frie

    八年级下册英语课件 篇5



    1. 学会本单元的生词和短语,能够进行简单的拼写和记忆。

    2. 掌握本单元的语法知识,能够进行简单的句型转换。

    3. 培养学生的英语听说能力,能够听懂和说出简单的英语。





    1. 听力训练:通过听录音或者播放音频,让学生掌握本单元的生词和短语,并能够进行简单的句型转换。

    2. 口语训练:通过对话练习,让学生掌握本单元的语法知识,并能够进行简单的句型转换。

    3. 阅读训练:通过阅读文章,让学生掌握本单元的生词和短语,并能够进行简单的句型转换。

    4. 游戏教学:通过游戏的形式,让学生更好地掌握本单元的语法知识。








    八年级下册英语课件 篇6

    【主题一】My Favorite Hobby

    I have a lot of hobbies, such as reading, playing sports, and listening to music. But my favorite hobby is drawing. I began drawing when I was just a little kid, and I fell in love with it right away. I enjoy creating different images and bringing my imagination to life.

    When I draw, I feel relaxed and happy. It's like I enter into a different world where there are no rules or boundaries, and I can let my mind go wild. I usually draw in my free time, and every time I finish a drawing, I feel a sense of accomplishment.

    Drawing helps me express my feelings and emotions in a positive way. Sometimes, I feel sad or anxious, and I don't know how to deal with it. But when I draw, I can let everything out, and it makes me feel better. Drawing also helps me improve my concentration and focus, which is essential for my studies.

    In the future, I want to become a professional artist. I believe that the more I draw, the better I will become, and I will be able to make a living from my art. Even if I don't become famous, I will still be happy as long as I can continue to draw and express myself.

    【主题二】My Dream Job

    My dream job is to become a doctor. Ever since I was a little kid, I wanted to help people and make a difference in their lives. Being a doctor would allow me to do just that. I believe that being a doctor is one of the most honorable professions in the world.

    I am currently studying hard to achieve my dream. I am taking science and math courses to prepare me for medical school. I know that the road to becoming a doctor is challenging, but I am willing to put in the work and effort to achieve my goals.

    Being a doctor would allow me to help people in many different ways. I could diagnose and treat illnesses, save lives in emergency situations, and even prevent diseases through public education and awareness campaigns.

    I know that being a doctor requires a lot of knowledge, skill, and dedication, but I believe that I have what it takes to become a successful doctor. I am passionate about helping others, and I think that this is the most important quality for a doctor to have.

    In the future, I hope to work in a hospital or clinic where I can help people who are sick or injured. I believe that being a doctor is not just a job, but a calling. I am excited about my future career and look forward to making a difference in the world.

    【主题三】My Travel Experience

    I have always enjoyed traveling and exploring new places. One of my most memorable travel experiences was when I went to Japan with my family.

    Japan is a beautiful country with a rich history and culture. We visited many famous landmarks, such as the Tokyo Tower, Mount Fuji, and the Imperial Palace. We also tried many delicious Japanese foods, such as sushi and ramen.

    One of the highlights of our trip was when we visited Kyoto. Kyoto is a city that is known for its traditional architecture and beautiful temples. We visited the Kiyomizu-dera temple, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site. The temple was built in the 17th century and is famous for its wooden stage that overlooks the city.

    Another memorable experience was when we went to Hiroshima. Hiroshima is a city that is famous for being the site of the atomic bombing during World War II. We visited the Peace Memorial Park and Museum, which was both moving and educational.

    Traveling to Japan was an amazing experience that allowed me to learn about a different culture and way of life. I realized that there is so much in the world to explore and discover. I hope to have many more travel experiences in the future and continue to learn and grow as a person.

    八年级下册英语课件 篇7


    单元名称:Going to a Party (参加派对)


    1. 掌握句型"What are you going to wear?" (你打算穿什么?) 和"I'm going to wear ..." (我打算穿...)

    2. 通过学习并模仿对话,能够完整运用句型"What are you going to wear?"来询问他人的打算,并用"I'm going to wear..."回答。

    3. 学习并理解涉及派对主题的词汇和短语,加深对该主题的理解。


    wear (穿着), jeans (牛仔裤), skirt (裙子), T-shirt (T恤衫), dress (连衣裙), suit (西服), jacket (夹克衫), shoes (鞋子)



    1. 导入新知识,利用图片、视频等资源向学生展示不同派对的照片,激发学生对话题的兴趣,引起学生的思考和讨论。

    2. 听力训练:播放录音,让学生听取不同场景中人们要参加派对时的对话,学生通过听力练习锻炼辨音和提高听力技巧。

    3. 口语练习:学生分组,以小组形式练习对话,一个学生问"What are you going to wear?",另一个回答"I'm going to wear...",并展示自己选好的派对服装。

    4. 课文阅读:学生阅读教材中的对话,理解对话内容和所涉及的词汇和短语。

    5. 课堂练习:老师出示图片,让学生描述图片中人物的服装,并进行问答。

    6. 小组活动:学生分组,每个小组设计一个虚拟派对,要求小组成员互相提问并回答"What are you going to wear?",并展示自己的派对服装。

    7. 家庭作业:学生完成作业本上的练习题,巩固本单元所学内容。



    在教学初期,我发现学生对新句型"What are you going to wear?"和"I'm going to wear..."的理解有些困难。为了解决这一问题,我进行了多次示范和口语练习,鼓励学生多多运用这些句型进行对话,同时我也特别关注学生的发音和语法错误,及时进行纠正。通过这样的反复练习,学生逐渐掌握了这个句型,并且积极参与到小组活动中,展示自己的派对服装。



    八年级下册英语课件 篇8

    Lesson 33 教学设计

    Teaching content:

    1. new words: living room, kitchen, bathroom

    2. a dialogue about Li Ming’s arriving in Canada

    3. let sb. do sth.

    4. introduce sth./sb. to sb.

    Lesson objectives

    After this lesson, students should be able to

    1. understand the meaning of the text

    2. remember and use the mastery vocabulary and know some important words for transportation

    3. write something about means of transportation

    4. understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts

    Key points

    1. the usage of let

    2. introduce sth. to sb.

    Difficult points: the usage of let

    Teaching aids: a picture of living room/ kitchen/ bathroom, some cards, slide projector

    Type: dialogue

    Teaching procedure

    Class opening (5 minutes)

    Introduce the topic for Unit 5. Please read about introducing units in “Teaching Techniques” at the back of this teacher’s guide.

    Student book (15 minutes)

    There are two reading for this lesson. Teach the first reading. The second reading is for students to use independently.

    The readings present new vocabulary and review vocabulary the students have learned in previous lessons.

    The new vocabulary for this lesson includes the following words and phrases:

    Mastery Vocabulary

    Can, on foot, take a plane/train

    Can/could I/you…?

    Of course.

    Oral Vocabulary

    Rapid, transportation, type (n.)

    Before you begin the reading, introduce unit project 1. See “Teaching Techniques” at the back of this teacher’s guide for general information about introducing unit projects. Also see the Unit 5 introductory page in this teacher’s guide. Instructions for unit project 1 are in the student book.

    There are many ways to teach immersion reading. Here are some step-by step instructions for one way to teach the reading in this lesson. Also see “Teaching Techniques” at the back of this teacher’s guide for general information about teaching readings.

    Step l: Check to see if the students have previewed the text. Ask if they have any questions concerning the meaning of the text. Encourage other students to try to answer the questions.

    Step 2: Play the audiotape. Use your discretion to decide whether you want to spend some time on the new vocabulary. You may want to ask students to explain the meaning of some sentences containing key words. What strategies did they use to puzzle out the meanings? Remember to give lots of praise for a good try, even if it's wrong. It may be helpful to write the following phrases on a large piece of paper or on the blackboard, as a review. This will be helpful for students to refer to in the next step.

    (to go) on foot

    take a bus/taxi/car

    ride a bike/the train

    (to go to someplace) in a car

    If you wish, you may say something about the word type in comparison with' the word kind, which the students learned in the last unit.

    Step 3: Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to talk about their usual means of transportation in moving around the city and travelling around the country. Encourage students to use the phrases that you have listed as well as to borrow phrases and sentence patterns from the text.

    Step 4:Ask for three volunteers to act out the text.

    They can choose to read aloud their lines from the reading. They can also improvise and create lines of their own.

    Unit project 1: History of a type of transportation (15 minutes)

    Begin unit project 1. This project covers three lessons. Working in groups,' students will complete a project to present to the class.

    Divide the class into small groups of three or four students. Each group chooses a type of transportation for the project. Instruct students to begin collecting information about that type of transportation. They will prepare a comic strip or timeline of important dates in its development.

    Teaching tip

    Set up a contest for good group work.

    Here's a way to encourage good group work among your students.

    Tell the class that each group starts with a score of ten in each of these categories: project plan, cooperation, use of English, quietness, progress, final product. Write these across the top of the blackboard. Along the left side Of the blackboard, write a list of the groups names.

    Add or subtract scores according to each group's performance. For example, if a group is trying to use a lot of English, give it two points (so now it has twelve points in that category). If a group is working with too much noise, subtract a point from that group in that category.

    Keep track of the scores each day over the course of a project. What group has the highest score?

    Activity book (5 minutes)

    Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:

    1. Listen to the audiotape. Fill in the blanks:

    Write the words you hear.

    Dinosaur Fun Park

    Hi, this is Danny: I will tell you a story about my trip to Dinosaur Fun Park!

    Dinosaur Fun Park is a fun place for dinosaurs. There is lots of dinosaur food there. Dinosaur food is very good for dinosaurs. It is like people food, but it is bigger. Dinosaur cookies are as big as kitchen tables. There are lots of dinosaur games, too. Many dinosaurs play dinosaur ping-pong. It is like people ping-pong, but the ball is bigger. Dinosaur ping-pong uses a basketball!

    I loved Dinosaur Fun Park, but I am too small to live there. If I grow bigger, maybe I will visit again!

    Class closing (5 minutes)

    Below is the suggested homework for this lesson. Aim to give students about thirty minutes of homework. Use your discretion in deciding how much. reading or how many exercises to assign as homework. Base your decision on students' progress.

    the first reading in the reader

    the remaining activity book exercises

    the next lesson in the student book

    Lesson 34 教学设计

    Teaching content

    1. new words: refrigerator, inside, wash, juice, pass, knife, mine

    2. a dialogue about having breakfast

    3. the usage of would like

    4. introduce sth.

    Lesson objectives

    At the end of this lesson, the students should be able to

    1. understand the meaning of the text

    2. remember and use the mastery vocabulary and know something about the development of the airplane

    3. write something about airplanes

    Key points

    1. Time for sth. =It’s time for sth. =It is time to do sth.

    2. What would you like? I would like…

    Difficult points: would like to do sth.

    Teaching aids: a picture of stove/ refrigerator, sink, some real things or some pictures of food, audiotape

    Type: dialogue

    Teaching procedure

    Class opening (5 minutes)

    For ideas and tips on beginning a class, see “Teaching Techniques” at the back of this teacher’s guide.

    Student book (15 minutes)

    There is one reading for this lesson. The reading presents new vocabulary and reviews the vocabulary students have learned in previous lessons.

    The new vocabulary for this lesson includes the following words and phrases:

    Mastery Vocabulary

    airport, passenger, station, railway, fly

    Oral Vocabulary


    For general suggestions about teaching immersion reading, please see “Teaching Techniques” in the back of this guide. Here are some step-by-step instructions for one way to teach the reading in this lesson.

    Step 1: Check to see if the students have previewed the text. Ask if they have any questions concerning the meaning of the text. Encourage other students to try to answer the questions. Ask if they know anything about airplanes beyond what is said in the reading.

    Step 2: Play the audiotape. Have the class follow the audiotape while looking at the text. You can decide whether you think it is necessary to spend some time on the new vocabulary.

    Step 3: Ask the students to work individually to summarize the main ideas of the reading in five or six sentences.

    Stop 4: Ask for one or two volunteers to read their summaries aloud to the class. Do other students agree with what has been presented as the main ideas? Discuss as a class. Use as much English as possible.

    Unit project 1: History of a type of transportation (continued) (15 minutes)

    Continue unit project 1. Students continue to work on their projects. Advise students that they should finish the projects during this lesson. They will present their projects during the next lesson.

    Activity book (5 minutes)

    Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:

    1. Listen to the audiotape. Follow 'the instructions.

    a. Fill in the blanks. Write the words you hear.

    Hi. Do you remember me? My name is Chad! I invented the dog-waterer. Do you have one yet? Thanks to me, there are no more thirsty dogs!

    My family went on a trip this summer. We went on a ship. Passengers on the ship could sleep or play games. There were swimming pools and movie theatres on the ship! Our rooms were very big.

    My mum and dad liked the ship. They did not have to cook or clean. My dad Cried when our trip was over!

    Below is the suggested homework for this lesson.

    Aim to give students about thirty minutes of homework. Use your discretion in deciding how much reading or how many exercises to assign as homework. Base your decision on students' progress.

    the second reading in the reader

    the remaining activity, book exercises

    the next lesson in the student book

    Lesson 35 教学设计

    Teaching content

    1. new words: mitten, usually, sometimes, ride, always

    2. a dialogue about Li Ming’s going to school in Canada

    3. usage of sometimes, usually

    Lesson objectives

    After this lesson, students should be able to

    1. understand the meaning of the text

    2. remember and use the mastery vocabulary and know something about the development of the bicycle

    3. write something about bicycles

    4. understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts

    Key points: usage of usually and sometimes

    Difficult points: usually and sometimes

    Preparations: pictures, audiotape, slide projector

    Type: dialogue

    Teaching procedure

    Class opening (5 minutes)

    For ideas and tips on beginning a class, see “Teaching Techniques” at the back of this teacher’s guide.

    Student book (15 minutes)

    There is one reading for this lesson. The reading presents new vocabulary and reviews the vocabulary students have learned in previous lessons.

    The new vocabulary for this lesson includes the following words and phrases:

    Mastery Vocabulary

    all right, get off, get on, ride, seat (n.)

    Oral Vocabulary

    pedal (n.). wheel

    There are many ways to teach immersion reading.

    Here are some step-by-step instructions for one way to teach the reading in this lesson.

    Step 1: Check to see if the students have previewed the text.

    Ask if they have any questions concerning the meaning of the text. Encourage other students to try to answer the questions. Ask if they know anything about bicycles, beyond what is said in the reading.

    Step 2: Play the audiotape. Have the class follow the audiotape while looking at the text. You can decide whether you want to spend some time on the vocabulary listed above.

    Step 3: Ask the students to work individually to summarize the main ideas of the reading in five or six sentences.

    Step 4: ASk for one or two volunteers to read their summaries aloud to the class. Do other students agree with what has been presented as the main ideas? Discuss as a class. Use as much English as possible.

    Unit project 1: History of a type of transportation (Continued 15 minutes)

    Conclude unit project 1. Groups present their work to the class. Depending on class size and the length of presentations, you may wish to divide up the class.

    Groups would then present their projects to one portion of the class.

    Activity book (5 minutes)

    Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:

    1. Listen to the audiotape. Fill in the blanks.

    Write the words you hear.

    Babo's Bike, Part One

    Have you heard the story of Babo? No?

    Then I will tell you about Babo.

    Babo lived a long time ago. He did not work hard. He had a big basket. Every morning,

    Babo filled the basket with apples. Then he walked along the street. People bought Babo's apples. Babo's basket was always empty when the evening came. But Babo was very poor.

    One day, Babo saw a man riding a bicycle:

    But it wasn't a bicycle! It had only one wheel! People were watching the man. They were singing, “Ron the Rider! Ron the Rider!” Some of them gave money to Ron.

    Class closing (5 minutes)

    Below is the suggested homework for this lesson. Aim to give students about thirty minutes of homework. Use your discretion in deciding how much reading or how many exercises to assign as homework. Base your decision on students progress.

    the third reading in the reader

    the remaining activity book exercises

    the next lesson in the student book

    LESSON 36 教学设计

    Teaching content

    1. new words;year, same, glad, classmate

    2. a dialogue about Li Ming’s meeting Jenny’s class

    3. meet and introduce each other

    4. usage of speak and same

    Lesson objectives

    After this lesson, students should be able to

    1. understand the meaning of the song and sing the ong well

    2. remember and use the mastery vocabulary

    3. understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts

    Key points:

    1. introduce to each other

    2. speak and same

    Difficult points: usage of word same

    Teaching aids: audiotape, recorder, pictures

    Type: dialogue

    Teaching procedure

    Class opening (5 minutes)

    For ideas and tips on beginning a class, see “Teaching Techniques” at the back of this teacher’s guide.

    Student book (15 minutes)

    The reading for this lesson is a song. The audiotape presents the song; the words to the song are in the student book.

    The new vocabulary for this lesson includes the following words and phrases:

    Mastery Vocabulary

    drive, get in

    No Parking!


    You'd better not.

    Oral Vocabulary


    See “Teaching Techniques” at the back of this teacher's guide for suggestions on teaching songs.

    Here are some step-by-step instructions for one way to teach the song in this lesson.

    Step 1 Have the class read the lyrics aloud as a poem. You may divide the class into two groups. Each group will read one line at a time. Make sure students can read rhythmically with a good sense of the rhymes!

    Step 2: Play the audiotape. Have the class follow in their books.

    Step 3: Practice singing the song repeatedly until the students can sing it well.

    Class activity How to get from here to there (15 minutes)

    In this activity, students can have fun discussing transportation. Write several false statements about transportation on the blackboard. For example:

    I will drive my car across the Pacific Ocean to get to Canada.

    At the airport, I will take the train to Beijing.

    I will fly my bicycle to school.

    Ask for volunteers to correct these statements. Then ask each student to make up three false sentences about transportation. Have students choose partners. The students exchange their sentences with their partner. Each partner works to correct the other's sentences. Then students compare their corrections. Do partners agree on how to correct the sentences?

    Activity book (5 minutes)

    Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:

    1. Listen to the audiotape. Fill in the blanks. Write the words you hear.

    Babo's Bike, Part Two

    Later, Babo saw Ron the Rider walking along the sidewalk. He had his one-wheeled bicycle. “Do you like riding your one-wheeled bicycle?” Babo said to Ron.

    “No. It is hard work,” said the man. “And I am poor. 1 work hard and I make little money.”

    “I make little money, too,”said Babo. “But I do not work hard. I fill this basket with apples. People come and buy them from me.”

    Ron the Rider laughed. “I will give you my one-wheeled bicycle if you give me your basket” he said.

    Class closing (5 minutes)

    There is no specific reading from the reader to assign as homework for this lesson.

    This is a chance for students to catch up if they are behind.

    Suggested homework for this lesson includes:

    the remaining exercises in the activity book

    the next lesson in the student book

    diary-writing and ,group verb-tense Studies

    Lesson 37 教学设计

    Teaching content

    1. new words: temperature, outside, cup, shape, circle, line, pizza

    2. a dialogue L Ming and his friends

    3. how to ask and answer about the temperature

    Lesson objectives

    1. After this, students should be able to understand the meaning of the text

    2. remember and use the mastery vocabulary and know some words that can help one imagine future transporttation

    3. write something about transportation in the future

    4. understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts.

    Key points: express weather

    Difficult points: how to express weather

    Type: dialogue

    Preparations: pictures of different shapes, audiotape, recorder, slide projector

    Class opening

    For ideas and tips on beginning a class, see “Teaching Techniques” at back of this teacher’s guide. You may wish to have the class sing “Let’s Take a Drive.”

    Student book( fifteen minutes)

    There is one reading for this lesson. The reading presents new vocabulary and reviews the vocabulary for this lesson includes the following words and phrases:

    Mastery Vocabulary

    round (adj)

    Oral Vocabulary

    invent, present (v. ), presentation

    Before you begin the reading, introduce unit projects 2. see “ Teaching Techniques” at the back of this teacher’s guide for general information about introductory page in this teacher’s guide, Instructions for unit project 2 are in the student book.

    There are many ways to teach immersion reading. Here is some step-by-step instructions for one way to teach the reading in this lesson.

    Step 1: Check to see if the students have previewed the reading as required. Ask if they have any questions concerning the meaning of the text.

    Encourage other students to try to answer the questions.

    Step 2: Play the audiotape. Have the class follow the audiotape while looking at the text. At this point, you may wish to ask the students to explain the meaning of some sentences containing key words or phrases. What strategies did they use to puzzle out the meanings? Remember to give lots of praise for a good try, even if it's wrong.

    Step3: Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to use their imagination and talk about their ideas for new types of transportation. They should try to use what they have learned in this unit to talk about their inventions.

    Step 4: Have some groups volunteer to tell the rest of the class about their inventions.

    Step 5: If you have time, ask three volunteers to act out the reading in any way they choose.


    Begin unit project 2. This project covers two lessons. Divide the class into small groups. Each group thinks up a new type of transportation for the future and begins to prepare a presentation about it for the class. They should include a drawing.


    Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:

    1. Listen to the audiotape. Follow the instructions.

    a. Listen. Fill in the blanks. Write the words you hear.

    Babo's Bike, Part Three

    Babo learned how to ride Ron's bicycle. It was very hard work to ride the one-wheeled bike. So Babo thought of a new way to make his money.

    One day, there was a rope in the air above the street. Babo was on the rope. He was on his one-wheeled bicycle! Babo rode his bike across the rope. Many people stopped to watch. They were very interested. They gave Babo lots of money! Babo was rich!


    Below is the suggested homework for this lesson.

    Aim to give students about thirty minutes of homework. Use your discretion in deciding how much reading or how many exercises to assign as homework. Base your decision on students' progress.

    the fourth reading in the reader

    the remaining activity book exercises

    the next lesson in the student book

    Lesson 38 教学设计


    1. new words: dry, bike, bear

    2. a dialogue between Li Ming and his teacher

    3. usage of some words: always, usually, sometimes, never

    KEY AND DIFFICULT POINTS: usage of some adverbs: always, usually, sometimes, never

    TYPE: dialogue

    TEACHING AIDS: some different tapes, audiotape, recorder, slide projector


    After this lesson, students should be able to

    1. understand the meaning of the text

    2. remember and use the mastery vocabulary and know some words that can help one imagine new types of transportation

    3. write something about future transportation

    4. understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts


    For ideas and tips on beginning a class, see “Teaching Techniques” at the back of this teacher's guide .You may wish to have the class sing “Let's Take a Drive,”


    There is one reading for this lesson. The reading reviews the vocabulary students have learned in previous lessons. There is no new vocabulary for this lesson.

    There are many ways to teach immersion reading.

    Here are some step-by-step instructions for one way to teach the reading in this lesson.

    Step 1: Check to see if the students have previewed the text as required. Ask if they have any questions. Encourage other students to try to answer the questions. To check how well students understand this reading, you may find it helpful to ask questions such as:

    Who is Sam? When and where did you meet him?

    What new type of transportation would Sam like to invent'?

    Step 2: Play the audiotape.

    Step 3: Discuss the reading with students. Use as much English as possible. Ask questions to make it easier for students to participate in the discussion. Ask questions such as:

    What is space?

    What is a spaceship?

    Do you have an idea for a future type of transportation?

    Is Sam's idea for a future type of transportation the same as yours?

    Step 4: Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to continue to talk about their ideas of inventions by using words, expressions and sentence patterns they have learned in this unit. Instruct the groups to write five to six sentences describing their inventions. If there is time, have some groups share what they have written with the rest of the class.


    Conclude unit project 2. The groups present their future type of transportation to the class. Depending on class size and the length of presentations, you may wish to divide up the class. Groups would then present their projects to one portion of the class.


    Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:

    1. Listen to the audiotape. Look at these questions.

    Can you choose the correct answers? Please try.

    1. Tom says, “I like this TV show very much.”

    2. Li Ming says, “It is October 1. It is China's National Day.”

    3. Li Ming Says, “1 would like brown shoes, please?

    4. Li Ming says, ”Where are you getting off?“ Wang Mei says, ”At the next stop. Where are you getting off?“

    Li Ming says, ”The stop after next.“


    Below is the suggested homework for this lesson. Aim to give students about thirty minutes of homework. Use your discretion in deciding how much reading or how many exercises to assign as homework. Base your decision on students' progress.

    the fourth reading in the reader

    the remaining activity book exercises

    the next lesson in the student book

    Lesson 39 教学设计


    1. mastery words; watch, toilet

    2. a dialogue and a short text

    3. the Present Continuous Tense


    After this lesson, students should be able to

    1. understand the meaning of the text

    2. memorize what is reviewed in this lesson and talk/write something about a fun project for inventions

    3. understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts


    1. the Present Continuous Tense

    2. look, watch and see

    DIFFICULT POINTS: the Present Continuous Tense

    TYPE: a dialogue and a short text

    TEACHING AIDS: some food, some pictures of furniture, audiotape, recordeer


    For ideas and tips on beginning a class, see ”Teaching Techniques“ at the back of this teacher's guide. You may wish to have the class sing ”Let's Take a Drive.“


    There is one reading for this lesson. It reviews the vocabulary for this unit. There is no new vocabulary in this lesson.

    There are many ways to teach immersion reading. Here are some step-by-step instructions for one way to teach the reading in this lesson. Also see ”Teaching Techniques“ at the back of this teacher's guide for more general information about teaching readings.

    Step 1: Check to see if the students have previewed the text as required. Ask if they have any questions. Encourage other students to try to answer the questions. As a quick review, ask students to name the words they know for different kinds of vehicles.

    Step 2: Play the audiotape.

    Step 3: Depending upon how much time you have you may divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to think about, discuss and then write an e-mail in response to Jenny's e-mail to Li Ming. if there is time, ask some groups to share their writings with the rest of the class.


    Review the irregular verbs in this unit: drive, ride and sly. See ”Teaching Techniques“ at the back of this teacher's guide for recommended methods of teaching verbs.

    Review the verb can, which is also in this unit.

    This is a special verb, like might. The students learned the verb ”might' in Level 1 of junior school.

    Do they remember what might means? Write this list on the blackboard:

    I go. I might go.

    He goes. He might go.

    We go. We might go.

    I run. I might run.

    He runs. He might run.

    We run. We might run.

    Now ask for volunteers to write the same phrases with the word “can.”

    I can go.

    He can go.

    We can go.

    I can run.

    He can run.

    We can run.

    What do the phrases mean? “I (verb)” describes what you are doing now. “I might ” expresses uncertainty. You might do something, but you might not. “1 can” expresses an ability. If you can do something, you are able to do it.

    Sometimes “can” expresses permission. For example, you might ask your parents: “Can I go to the cinema?” If they permit you to go, they might say: “Yes, you can.”


    Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:

    1. Listen to the audiotape. Look at these questions. Can you choose the correct answers? Please try.

    1. Li Ming says, “It is cold, isn't it?”

    Wang Mei says, “Yes it is. It might get colder. It might snow.”

    2. Mrs. Brown says, “There will be a good program on TV. It is about making movies. Don't forget to watch it. ?'

    3. Brian says, ”I saw Tim today. He is my good friend. I haven't seen him for many weeks. He looks great. I saw him at a restaurant.“

    4. Danny says, ”I'm looking for Brian. I can't find him. Have you seen him?“

    Jenny says, ”Yes. I saw him in the library.

    He was looking up some words in the dictionary."


    There is no specific reading from the reader to assign as homework for this lesson. This is a chance for students to catch up if they are behind.

    Suggested homework for this lesson includes:

    the remaining exercises in the activity book

    八年级下册英语课件 篇9


    1.What time do you get up?

    What time +助动词do/does +主语+动词原形,询问某人做某事的具体时间。

    what time do you begin class in the morning?

    注:What’s the time=What time is it?也是用来询问时间,意为“几点了”。用it作答。

    What’s the time? It’s 7:30.

    2.I usually get up at five o’clock.

    1)句中usually与often 一样都是频度副词,常用于动词be 之后,行为动词之前。always 意思是“总是”、“永远”,表示动作重复,状态继续,中间没有间断。

    We always get up before six o'clock.

    He is always thinking of others.


    2)介词 at 常用于具体时刻之前,意义为 在…… ,如:at 5:00 在5:00钟。

    介词at 除了指时间以外,还可指

    (1)人物的所在之处,如:at my uncle’s home 在我姑姑家, at the station 在火车站.

    (2)朝向,如:look at me!看我!

    (3)指速度或价格.如:she buys the book at a good price 她以优惠的价格买了这本书。



    on November 1st on Monday on Children’s Day on Tuesday evening

    ②in用于月份、季节、年份前,当early,late用于句首修饰介词短语时,尽管表示具体某一天的上午、下午、晚上,都要用in,泛指一般的上、下午,晚上也用in 。

    Early in the morning of National Day,I got up to catch the first bus to the zoo.

    ③将来时态表“过一段时间后” 及“在...期间” 和“在某个季节,某年、某月” 都用in。

    Xiao Ming was born in December of .

    3. What a funny time to eat breakfast!

    (1)What a/an +形容词+单数名词+主语+谓语!

    what a good girl she is!


    What good girls they are!

    (3)What +形容词+不可为名词+主语+谓语!

    What terrible weather it is!

    4、He works at a radio station.



    5、take a walk

    take a walk=have a work=go for a walk 散步




    7.People love to listen to him.

    love to do sth.=like to do sth.very much.喜欢做某事,强调具体活动。

    而love doing sth.=like doing sth. very much则强调习惯。

    Do you come out to play with me?你喜欢出来和我玩吗?

    I like watching TV.我喜欢看电视。

    8.hear与listen to

    hear 意为“听见”,表示听的结果,而listen to则表示“听”,强调的是“听”的动作。

    Let’s listen to the music.

    We listen but don’t hear.

    9. He gets home at 7:00,and he watches morning news on TV.

    1)句中get 意为 “到达 ”,后接地点名词时,要加介词to,后接副词时,不能加to.

    She gets to school at six o’clock.

    注: home 是一个副词,所以其前不能加介词to,但home也可作名词,这时其前有物主代词时,可以加to,

    She gets to her home at eight o’clock .

    a piece of news 一条新闻 ,two pieces of news 两条新闻 。

    Watch……On TV 表示 通过电视看……节目

    We often watch football game on TV.

    10、lots of=a lot of 既可以修饰可数名词复数形式,也可以修饰不可数名词。

    11.What time is it?-几点了?-It’s eight thirty. 八点三十分。

    本句是就具体时刻进行提问的,what time 意为“几点”,这是特殊问句,它的同义句为:

    What’s the time? /What time is it by your watch? 在回答这个句子时,要用It’s +钟点。



    4:25→four twenty-five,6:58→six fifty-eight,7:→seven o clock




    4:23→twenty-three past four,5:19→nineteen past five.


    7:31→twenty-nine to eight,10:58→two to eleven

    在逆读法中分钟数逢 “五”逢 “十”可省略minute(s)。否则应加上。当然,英语习惯上把十五分钟(fifteen)称作一刻a quarter,三十分钟(thirty)称为half/half,因此10:30,可以用两种表达方式,half past ten,ten thirty。

    12.Thanks for your letter.

    Thanks for your help.

    Thanks for telling me the good news.

    13. Do you want to know about my morning?

    1)该句中 want to do…句型。表示“想要做某事”,该短语中want为及物动词,后面的to do


    I want to play the drum.

    I want to see my old teacher next week.

    3)know about 知道有关…,了解有关…,句中about 意为“关于,有关”的意思。

    17.Please write and tell me about your morning.请写信告诉我你的早晨。

    释:1)tell sb. about sth.告诉某人有关某事的情况。

    My father often tells me about China.

    2)write sb. a letter=write a letter to sb.给某人写信。

    She often writes me a letter=She often writes a letter to me.


    1.what time 几点

    2.go to school 去上学

    3.get up 起床

    4.take a shower 洗淋浴

    5.brush tooth 刷牙

    6.get to 到达

    7.do homework 做家庭作业

    8.go to work 去上班

    9.go home 回家

    10.eat breakfast 吃早餐

    11.get dressed 穿上衣服

    12.get home 到家

    13.either...or... 要么、、、要么

    14.go to bed 上床睡觉

    15.in the morning/afternoon/evening 在上午/下午/晚上

    16.take a walk 散步

    17.lots of 许多

    18.radio station 广播电视

    19.at night 在晚上

    20.be late for 迟到


    1. what time与when

    what time翻译为“几点”问的是具体的时间,一般回答要具体到小时。

    What time do you go to school?

    I go to school at half past seven o’clock.


    when也是对时间的提问,但与what time的区别是:用when提问,回答既可以是具体的时间,也可以是不具体的时间,如:in the morning,last year,in 等范围大的时间。

    向对方询问具体时间时,即几点几分,只能用what time,不能用when。

    询问年份、月份、日期时,只能用when,不能用what time。

    2. 英语时间的表达


    It’s ten o’clock a. m. 现在是上午十点整。


    It’s eight-thirty. 是八点三十分。


    eleven-thirty 十一点三十分

    nine-twenty-five 九点二十五分

    6:10 →six-ten 8:50→eight-fifty

    9:30→nine-thirty 10:15→ten-fifteen

    7:45→seven forty-five 11:05→eleven-five


    6:10→ten past six

    11:05→five past eleven

    10:15→ a quarter past ten或fifteen past ten

    8:15→a quarter past eight或fifteen past eight

    9:30→half past nine或thirty past nine


    11:50→ten to twelve

    7:31→twenty-nine to eight

    9:45→a quarter to ten或fifteen to ten

    12:59→one to thirteen


    What is the time? 几点了?

    What time is it by your watch? 你的手表几点了?

    ( )1.--What's the time? --______one-thirty.

    A. Its B.It's C.This is D.They're

    ( )2.I usually _______ at nine-thirty at night.

    A. get to school B.get up C.go to bedD.go home

    ( )3.He likes ______ the radio. wwW.x kB 1.c Om

    A.listens B.to listen to C. listens to D.to listen

    ( )4.I _______ at seven.

    A. go to the school B.go to a school C.go to school D.go school

    ( )5.We only have _______ shower.

    A. some B.an C.the D.one

    ( )6.My sister _______ home at 5:00 every day.

    A. gets B.gets toC.get D.get to

    ( )7.We can watch Beijing Opera _____ TV.

    A. in B.at C.on D.from

    ( )8.Let's ________.

    A. take a shower B.have a shower C.take the shower D.A and B

    ( )9.My brother ____ the morning TV every day.

    A. watches B.watch C.watches D.see

    ( )10.--______ do you usually go to bed?

    --At six.

    A. What time B.How time C.When D.A and C

    ( )11. Zhang Min usually gets up _______.

    A. at six thirty B.at thirty six C.on six thirty D.on thirty six

    ( )12.Rick often does ______ homework at 6:00.

    A.her B.his C.my D.your

    ( )13.--______ do people have dinner?

    --At home. A.What B.When C.WhereD.B and C

    ( )14.In our school, school _____ at 7:30.

    A.is B.start C.starts D.does

    One day , an old man was selling a big elephant . A young man came up to the elephant and began to look at it slowly . The old man went up to him and said in his ear . “Don’t say anything about the elephant before I sell it . Then I will give you some meat .” “All right .”said the young man . After the old man sold the elephant , he gave the young man some met and said : “Now, can you tell me how you see the bad ears of the elephant ?” “I didn’t find the bad ears .”said the young man . “Then why do you look at it slowly ?”asked the old man . The young man said : “I never see an elephant before, and I want to know what it looks like.”

    ( )1________ the elephant.

    A. The young man bought B. The old man sold

    C. The two men sold D. The young man sold

    ( )2. The young man looked at the elephant . He wanted to find _____.

    A. its bad ears B. some meat C. a good elephant D. what it looks like

    ( )3. The young man ________.

    A.knew the elephant wasn’t good B. found the bad ears but didn’t tell it .

    C. looked after the elephant D. got some meat

    ( )4.We know that ________.

    A. the two men were not honest B. the young man wasn't a bad man

    C. the old man was a good man D. the elephant was a very good one

    ( )5. The young man looked at the elephant slowly because he _______.

    A. liked elephant B. wanted to buy it

    C. didn’t see any elephant before D. wanted to help the old man

    八年级下册英语课件 篇10


    篇章一:My Summer Vacation(我的暑假)

    My summer vacation was really enjoyable. First, I visited my grandma's house in the countryside. There, I helped her plant some vegetables and played with my cousins. We rode bikes and went swimming in the nearby lake. It was a lot of fun.

    After that, I went to the beach with my family. We rented a cottage and spent a week there. We swam in the ocean and built sandcastles. We also had a bonfire and made s'mores. It was a great time with my family.

    Finally, I went to a summer camp with my friends. We did a lot of outdoor activities like hiking, canoeing, and zip-lining. We also had campfires and shared stories. It was a great bonding experience with my friends.

    Overall, my summer vacation was a great mix of relaxation and adventure. I can't wait to do it all again next year.

    篇章二:The Benefits of Exercise(运动的好处)

    Exercise is important for maintaining a healthy body and mind. Firstly, it can prevent a lot of health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and obesity. Regular exercise also helps improve sleep and reduces stress and anxiety. It can even help prevent depression.

    Exercise also has many benefits for the brain. It can improve cognitive function, including memory and thinking skills. It increases blood flow to the brain, which is important for maintaining brain health. Exercise also helps release endorphins, which are natural mood boosters.

    Finally, exercise is a great way to socialize and make new friends. Joining a sports team or fitness group is a fun way to meet people who share your interests. It's also a great way to stay motivated and accountable.

    In conclusion, exercise is essential for overall health and well-being. It has many physical and mental benefits and should be included in everyone's daily routine.

    八年级下册英语课件 篇11


    Lesson 25 Let’s Do An Experiment!


    Words and phrases:

    science, experiment, fill, prove, theory, jar, upside, observe, right side up, upside down.


    CLASS OPENING:               Greed each other.


    STEP 1: Ask the class to discuss the questions in the “Think About It”.                                  STEP 2: Let the students listen to the tape carefully with the following           question:” Why does Danny say they should do this experiment outside?” ; “ What’s Brain’s theory? ”; “ What will Brain do?”; “Does Danny have the same theory as Brain’s?”

    STEP3: listen to the tape again. The student’s better read the dialogue at the same time. After reading and listening, let the students fill in the chart by themselves.

    What do we need when we do the experiment?

    Water,  a jar, A piece of cardboard

    How do we do it?(steps)

    1.   fill…in…;

    2.   cover…with…;

    3.   turn…upside down.

    What are Brain’s and Jenny’s theories?

    1.   The floor gets wet.

    2.   The floor won’t get wet.



    Step 4: after filling it, ask the students to describe the experiment. Then, write it in the exercise-book.

    Step 5. read the dialogue and act it out by the students.

    Step 6. homework. Be ready to give us a morning report of tomorrow.

    Language Notes:

    Explain some sentences and phrases.

    1.I fill a jar with water.


    On hearing the news. Her eyes filled with tears.

    2.I turn the jar upside down.

    upside down

    That picture is upside down.

    3.I think the floor will get wet.

    The days gets longer in spring.

    4.I’m sure that the floor won’t get wet.

    Tom ia sure that he will win the game.

    5.We can prove who’s right.

    My theory will prove (to be) right some day.

    6.We’ll do the experiment and observe what will happen.

    I observed her dance.


    Say good-bye to the students.


    常用的对学生中考的祝福语集锦 【精】


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