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  • 小树的句子




    1、The tree was a testament to the passage of time, standing tall through the ages. 树是时间的见证,经过岁月的洗礼而依然高耸不倒。


    3、The branches reached out like the arms of a loving parent, embracing all who sought comfort under the tree’s canopy. 树枝就像爱的父母伸出的手臂,拥抱所有在树冠下寻求安慰的人。

    4、The branches swayed gently in the wind, like dancers performing a graceful ballet. 树枝在风中轻轻摇摆,像优美的芭蕾舞者一样表演。


    6、The little tree's branches bent under the weight of the snow, a peaceful winter scene that added to the tree's natural charm. 小树的树枝因雪的重量而弯曲,创造出一幅宁静的冬季画面,增添了树的自然魅力。


    8、The little tree's flowers boasted a vibrant array of colors, a kaleidoscope of beauty that added to the tree's natural splendor. 小树的花朵展现出了丰富多彩的颜色,一道美的万花筒,增添了树的自然荣耀。

    9、The little tree's branches reached upwards, towards the sun and the blue sky, as if trying to touch the heavens themselves. 小树的树枝向上伸展,向着太阳和蓝天,似乎试图触摸天堂。JK251.com

    10、The leaves rustled like a symphony, a beautiful melody that echoed through the forest. 树叶的声音就像交响乐,一种美丽的旋律在森林中回荡。

    11、The little tree's branches danced in the wind, creating a mesmerizing display that captivated anyone who happened to be passing by. 小树的枝条在风中舞动,创造出迷人的画面,吸引了经过的人们的眼球。

    12、The leaves whispered secrets to each other, rustling in a language only they understood. 树叶彼此间轻声私语,以一种只有它们能理解的语言沙沙作响。

    13、The tree was a sentinel, standing guard over the forest and its inhabitants. 树是哨兵,守卫着森林和它的居民。

    14、The tree was a giver of life, providing shelter, oxygen, and sustenance to all who depended on it. 树是生命的赠予者,为所有依赖于它的人提供庇护、氧气和养料。


    16、The branches stretched out like fingers reaching toward the sky. 树枝伸展出来,就像手指伸向天空。

    17、The little tree's delicate flowers bloomed in the spring, filling the air with their sweet fragrance and adding a touch of grace to the surrounding area. 小树的娇嫩花朵在春天绽放,散发着甜美的芳香,为周围的区域增添了一份优雅。



    20、The little tree's branches twisted and turned, creating intricate patterns that mesmerized anyone who took the time to observe them. 小树的枝条扭曲、盘旋,创造出错综复杂的图案,使任何花时间观察它们的人都会着迷。


    22、The little tree's leaves shimmered in the moonlight, a sparkling display that added to the tree's ethereal beauty. 小树的叶子在月光下闪烁,增添了树的虚幻之美。


    24、The little tree's roots spread outwards, creating a foundation that was deeply rooted in the earth and firmly anchored to the ground. 小树的根向外延伸,创造出一个深深扎根于大地的坚固基础。


    26、The branches were like arms, embracing the surrounding forest and all its inhabitants. 树枝就像手臂,拥抱周围的森林和所有的居民。




    [教案参考] 高中座右铭(写作示例)

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